Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Oral marks 1st Batxillerat Split Group
These are the marks:
Maria 7 Problems with: verb tenses, comparatives: more thin and possessives: she´s dream
Aroa 9.5 Problems with: verbs: "she has a boyfriend since 200", poss.: he....and HER songs..."
Silvia 8.5 Problems with: pronunciation.
Alex 7 Problems with: prep. "in October 1991..."
Noèlia L. 6 Problems with: pronunciation: /prEtty/, poss.: "Shakira has HIS hips..."
Carla 7 Problems with: verb Have/Be: "He is brown hair", "He has muscular"
Blanca 6 Problems with: pronunciation: /thE/
Noèlia V. 6.5 Problems with: ----
Jenny 9 Problems with: False friends: "Actually= de fet, NOT "actualment"
GENERAL PROBLEMS: * "A brown hair": "Hair" here is uncountable---NO ARTICLE
* Possessive adjectives: HIS/HER
* If you didn´t finish the "Music" activity, do it for homework!!
Monday, 17 December 2007
I want you to write an Opinion Essay (book p14) about Christmas.
The title is "Christmas for me" and you must use the following expressions:
- although/ in spite of
- adj.+ prep. (p9). At least 4.
- Some verbs with gerunds and infinitives
- Phrasal verbs (p21). At least one
* Remember to divide your composition in paragraphs, following the ideas on p15
* Write the composition in a COMMENT of this entry. DON´T FORGET TO PUT YOUR NAME
* I will NOT accept any compositions after the 9th of January.
* Telegrams (short compositions) are not accepted.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!
I want you to give me your opinion about the course for the moment:
Things you liked, things you didn´t like, what can we do to learn more and problems and difficulties that have appeared during the course.
Write in English or in Catalan, how you feel more confortable.
Merry Christmas and happy new Year.
P.S It´s optional to put your name!!
Monday, 3 December 2007
- Listen and after watch the following video and fill in the gaps with the correct personality adjectives:
2a. Write a list of the adjectives you hear and try to find the opposites:
d______, i_______, b__________,u_________,m__________,i_______body,
d_______, s_________,with s________ character, r_____very r______,
d_______and s_________,d_______after taste.
2b. Complete the sentence: You____ _____ ______Nespresso, what ______?
3. What are the women talking about?
4. What does the man think they are talking about?
5. What does "What else?" mean?
6. Who is the man?