a) Read the text of your photocopy and answer the following questions:
- According to the Catalan Minister of Education, is there a purpose of privatisation? How does he qualify this idea?
- Why does the Department of Education make these proposals?
- Why is the document misinterpreted?
- Is the new proposal imitating British models?
- What will happen at the third stage of the draft?
- According to the minister, who´s important when reforming the system?
- What do you think "passing the buck" means?
- What´s the difference between the old system and the proposed new system?
- STRIKE: vaga
- BILL: projecte de llei
- DRAFT: esborrany
- ASSET: béns
- UNIONS: sindicats
- TO WITHDRAW: retirar
b) VOTE. Give me your opinion about the sentence of the survey at the top on the right: IS PRIVATE EDUCATION BETTER COMPARED TO THE PUBLIC ONE?
c) WRITE your opinion about these statement: "Public schools are better than private schools in Catalonia" (100 words). Use expressions like: "In my opinion", "On the one hand", "On the other hand", " to sum up", etc. Write in paragraphs and publish it in a COMMENT. Put your name at the top of the text and press "ANONYMOUS"