Tuesday, 15 January 2008


Listen to the following video and answer the questions. Write your answers in the comments and don´t forget to put your name.


1-What has he been thinking about for the last few months?

2-What did he want to do before taking the decision of taking the race for the Presidential elections?

3-Where has he travelled these last months?

4-What has struck him?

5-What has put the USA in a precarious place?

6-How is economy changing in the US?

7-Can you name some of the problems Obama mentions?

8-What´s happened to American politics?

9-How can political changes come?

10-Where does meaningful change start?

11-Is he hopeful about the future?

12-What is he doing to do for the next several weeks?

13-When is he going to share his plans?

14-Who with?

Challenging: repte
Precarious: molt pobre
Struggles: lluites
To winge a war: provocar una guerra
To concern: preocupar
To face a problem: afrontar un problema
Common sense: sentit comú
To demand solutions: exigir sol.lucions
Politics: la política
To be willing to: estar disposat a
To commit: comprometre´s
To file papers: arxivar
Share: compartir

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