Monday, 21 January 2008


Hi folks,

Here are the answers to the translations:

1.La Gemma acaba de llençar el xiclet : Gemma has just thrown the chewing gum

2.La Maria ja ha vist al Carles avui? : Has Maria seen Carles today yet?

3.Nosaltres encara no hem fet els deures: We haven´t done the homework yet.

4.Ella treballa a Anglaterra fa 5 anys : He has worked in England for five years.

5.Nosaltres ja hem oblidat els nostres problemes We have already forgotten our problems.

6.Desde 1999 Catalunya ha augmentat la població.(increase) . Since 1999 Catalonia has increased its population.

7.Has donat mai sang? : Have you ever given blood?

8.Fa un any vaig veure al Fernando Alonso a Barcelona: I saw Fernando Alonso one year ago.

9.Conec al Jordi desde que vaig néixer.: I have known Jordi since I was born.

10.Repasem el present perfect fa 50 minuts.(revise) :We have revised the present perfect for 50 minutes.

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